
  • type: Lecture
  • chair: ITM Zitterbart
  • semester: WS 2010/11
  • place:

    Hertz Hörsaal
    (Gebäude 10.11)

  • time:

    Wednesday, 09:45-11:15 weekly

  • lecturer:

    Prof. Dr. Martina Zitterbart
    Martin Röhricht

  • sws: 2
  • lv-no.: 24128
  • information:

    Die Lehrveranstaltung ist in folgenden Modulen mit 4 LP prüfbar:

    Bachelor Informatik: Stammmodul Telematik [IN3INTM]
    Master Informatik: Stammmodul Telematik [IN4INTM]

    Bachelor Informationswirtschaft: Telematics [IW3INTM]
                    Master Informationswirtschaft:
                    Networking [IW4INNW]
                    Wireless Networking [IW4INWN]
                    Future Networking [IW4INFN]

    Informationswirtschaft (SPO 2005/06)
    Bachelor Informationswirtschaft (SPO 2005/2006): Infrastruktur [IW3INNET0]
    Master Informationswirtschaft (SPO 2005/2006): Advanced Infrastructures [IW4INNET]

    Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr. Es gelten die Regelungen der jeweils aktuellen Modulhandbücher.

    Die Prüfungsmodalitäten in den Diplomstudiengängen bleiben hiervon unberührt und gelten wie bisher.


This course details selected protocols and protocol mechanisms, which were already presented in the communications part of the course "Kommunikation und Datenhaltung" (since 2010 "Einführung in Rechnernetze"). Thus, knowledge about problems that occur within a world-wide and dynamic network as well as solutions that are applied in order to avoid these problems is imparted in this course.


S. Keshav. An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking. Addison-Wesley, 1997
J.F. Kurose, K.W. Ross. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet. 4rd Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2007
W. Stallings. Data and Computer Communications. 8th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2006

Further Literature