Value-sensitive design of Internet-based services

September 29, 2016, Klagenfurt, Austria

Internet-based services are increasingly important for our society. We consume them on a daily basis for many different purposes, comprising chat applications, social networks, shopping and the like. With the Internet of Things and advanced applications such as smart cities and smart home we are expecting huge potentials for a more sustainable society at large, covering the economical, ecological and the social dimension.

However, the provisioning of Internet-based services currently comes with conflicting interests between the different stakeholder groups of providers, consumers and governance actors. A prominent example of such a conflict is using consumer data as the “currency” for the consumption of Internet-based services, e.g. delivered via mobile Apps. Resulting conflicts between consumers and providers occur on a continuous basis, as personal data is delivered to the provider and, thus, compromises the privacy of the consumer. However, mostly the consumer is left without any choice and, in this sense self-determination of the individual consumer is limited. Governance actors have a different view which is heavily motivated through societal values, such as human rights and constitutional law or regulations and policy instruments. They can also help finding a balance in the case of interest conflicts between providers and consumers.

The 1st workshop on Value-sensitive design of Internet-based services will be held on September 29, 2016, in Klagenfurt, Austria.


Session 1: 9:00 - 10:10 (Session Chair​: Hannes Hartenstein)

  • Welcome from the organizers (5 min)
  • Invited Talk: Peter Reichl - Towards the Internet of People (IoP): Perspectives of an Anti-Copernican Revolution in Networking Research (45+10 min)
  • Markus Ast - Value-Sensitive Design in Hyper-Connected Societies (20+10 min)

Session 2: 11:00 - 12:30 (Session Chair: Martina Zitterbart)

  • Teemu Kärkkäinen - The Case for Liberouters (20+10 min)
  • Stefanie Betz - A Comparison of Value Sensitive Design and Sustainability Design (20+10 min)
  • Philipp Andelfinger - Consideration of Values in the Design of Access Control Systems (20+10 min)

Session 3: 14:00 - 15:30 (Session Chair: Martin Gaedke)

  • Invited Talk: Karsten Weber - Value-based design of information and communication technology: Why ethics is important if one wants to build good computers (45+5 min)
  • Alexander Mädche - Towards designing individual value-oriented decision support for selecting Internet-based services (20+10 min)

Session 4: 16:00 - 17:30 (Session Chair: Alexander Maedche)

  • Valentin Burger - Principles of Information Neutrality and Counter Measures Against Biased Information (20+10 min)
  • Zukunftswerkstatt - Value-sensitive design of Internet-based services (60 min)

You can find information about the workshop at

Workshop Organizers:

  • Hannes Hartenstein, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
  • Alexander Maedche, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
  • Martina Zitterbart, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Program Committee:

  • Michael Beigl, KIT
  • Roland Bless, KIT
  • Jan vom Brocke, Universität Lichtenstein
  • Peter Buxmann, TU Darmstadt
  • Jan Marco Leimeister, Universität Kassel und Universität St. Gallen
  • Martin Gaedke, TU Chemnitz
  • Kurt Geihs, Universität Kassel
  • Tobias Hossfeld, Universität Duisburg-Essen
  • Frank Pallas, TU Berlin
  • Oliver Raabe, KIT
  • Peter Reichl, Universität Wien
  • Burkhard Stiller, Universität Zürich
  • Thorsten Strufe, TU Dresden