CoCPN - Cooperative Cyber-Physical Networking
- Ansprechperson:
- Förderung:
DFG / SPP1914
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CoCPN - Cooperative Cyber-Physical Networking
The project Cooperative Cyber-Physical Networking (CoCPN) is a joint research project by Prof. Uwe D. Hanebeck and Prof. Martina Zitterbart in Control Theory and Informatics.
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) in future smart factories will be likely interconnected by multi-functional networks. The goal of the project CoCPN is to investigate a novel cooperative approach for an integrated operation of control systems and communication system in such environments. We envision that both, the control system as well as the communication system can react adaptively to changes in the current situation. The project CoCPN aims to provide a flexible framework for cyber-physical networks that can cope with different types of traffic, does not need network overprovisioning, and enables control loops to sustain a high quality of control without hard realtime requirements regarding the communication system.