Samuel Kopmann, M.Sc.
- Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
- Raum: 5.05
CS 01.99 - Tel.: +49 721 608-46402
- samuel kopmann ∂ kit edu
Forschungsbereich Telematik
Institut für Telematik
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Gebäude 01.99
Kaiserstraße 40
D-76133 KarlsruheFingerprint☝SHA256:715F2573CC055C2B004F6C3A1B340BE99F711EEE0B8DAE3601404AB7FD841EEB
Research Interests
- Network attack detection focusing on volumetric DDoS attacks and Port Scans
- Application of Machine Learning approaches from the area of Computer Vision
- Binary image classification
- Multi-label image classification
- Image segmentation
- Application of Machine Learning approaches from the area of Computer Vision
- Network traffic monitoring at high data rates without packet sampling
- Low dimensional network traffic aggregation
- How much traffic information can be discarded while still preserving enough traffic characteristics for attack detection?
- Hardware- and software-based monitoring at line speed 100G+
- Network traffic data augmentation
- Dealing with limited data availability in the area of networking focusing on Machine Learning use cases
- Creating similar but not identical network traffic from limited, real-work traffic traces
- KIWI - Künstliche Intelligenz für sichere Web-Infrastrukturen mit digitalem Identitätsmanagement
- Best Paper Award at the 14th International Conference on the Network of the Future (NoF 2023) for the paper "eMinD: Efficient and Micro-Flow Independent Detection of Distributed Network Attacks"
Supervised Lecture | Semester |
Einführung in Rechnernetze | SS 21 |
Telematik | WS 21/22 |
Einführung in Rechnernetze | SS 22 |
Telematik | WS 22/23 |
Einführung in Rechnernetze | SS 23 |
Telematik | WS 23/24 |