Lehrstuhl Prof. Zitterbart - Institut für Telematik

Self-driving Networks

  • Stellenausschreibung:

    Self-driving Networks

  • Stellenart:


  • Fakultät/Abteilung:


  • Institut:


  • Eintrittstermin:

    ab sofort

  • Kontaktperson:

    Prof. Dr. habil. Martina Zitterbart

  • Job description

    Your research will focus on a highly automated network control that paves the way for self-driving networks (comparable to self-driving cars). You will focus on advanced traffic engineering, support for highly flexible on-demand system and resource (re-)configuration and/or advanced congestion control for high performance networks. You will apply and advance techniques from software-defined networks, network virtualization, and machine learning and carry out evaluations via analysis, simulations or in testbeds.

    You will, e.g., collaborate with the project bwNET2020+.

    We provide an excellent research infrastructure with high performance servers, software-defined networks as well as extensive, flexible and powerful testbeds.


    Personal qualification

    We expect a very good diploma degree or M.Sc. in computer science or a related discipline, high self-motivation, willingness to work in a team, programming skills, good skills in English and German. You can improve your soft-skills regarding project management, presentation techniques, personnel management.



    We offer a full-time, fully paid research position according to TV-L E13.