Dr. Hans Wippel
- Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
- Sprechstunden: Nach Vereinbarung
- Raum: 353
- Tel.: +49 721 608 4 6403
- Fax: +49 721 608 4 6789
- wippel ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Forschungsbereich Telematik
Institut für Telematik
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Geb. 20.20
Zirkel 2
D-76131 Karlsruhe
D. Martin, H. Wippel. Evaluating a Framework for Different Networking Paradigms. Proc. of the 38th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2013), pp. 416-419, Sydney, NSW, Australien, Oktober 2013 |
H. Wippel, O. Hanka. End User Node Access to Application-Tailored Future Networks. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computer Communication Networks (ICCCN 2012), Munich, Germany, August 2012 |
D. Martin, H. Wippel, H. Backhaus. A Future-Proof Application-to-Network Interface. Proceedings of the 2011 Second International Conference on the Network of the Future (NoF 2011), Paris, France, November 2011 |
O. Hanka, H. Wippel. Secure Deployment of Application-Tailored Protocols in Future Networks. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Network of the Future (NoF 2011), Paris, France, November 2011 |
H. Wippel, T. Gamer, C. Faller, M. Zitterbart. Hierarchical Node Management in the Future Internet. Proc. of 4th International Workshop on the Network of the Future (FutureNet) in conjunction with IEEE ICC, Kyoto, Japan, Juni 2011 |
T. Gamer, H. Wippel. A Collaborative Attack Detection and its Challenges in the Future Internet. To appear in: Proc. of the Joint ITG, ITC, and Euro-NF Workshop "Visions of Future Generation Networks" (EuroView), Würzburg, Germany, August 2010 |
H. Wippel, T. Gamer, D. Martin. A Hierarchical Node Management System for Application-tailored Network Protocols and Architectures. 5th GI/ITG KuVS Workshop on Future Internet, Stuttgart, Germany, Juni 2010 |
O. Waldhorst, S. Mies, H. Wippel. Towards End-to-End Connectivity for Overlays across Heterogeneous Networks. Proc. Int. Workshop on the Network of the Future (Future-Net 2009), co-located with IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications (ICC 2009), Dresden, Germany, Juni 2009 |
L. Völker, D. Martin, T. Rohrberg, H. Backhaus, P. Baumung, H. Wippel, M. Zitterbart. Design Process and Development Tools for Concurrent Future Networks. 3rd GI/ITG KuVS Workshop on The Future Internet, Munich, Germany, Mai 2009 |
R. Bless, O. Waldhorst, C. Mayer, H. Wippel. Decentralized and Autonomous Bootstrapping for IPv6-based Peer-to-Peer Networks. Winning Entry of the IPv6 Contest 2009 by IPv6 Council, Leipzig, Germany, Mai 2009 |
S. Mies, H. Wippel. Providing End-to-End Connectivity Across Heterogeneous Networks. Proc. 8th Würzburg Workshop on IP: Joint EuroFGI and ITG Workshop on , Würzburg, Germany, Juli 2008 |
H. Backhaus, D. Martin, H. Wippel. A Network Pluralist’s Approach to Online Video Stores. 12th Würzburg Workshop on IP: ITG Workshop "Visions of Future Generation Networks" (EuroView2012), Würzburg, Germany, Juli 2012 |
H. Wippel, O. Hanka. Deployment of Application-tailored Protocols in Future Networks. 11th Würzburg Workshop on IP: Joint ITG and Euro-NF Workshop "Visions of Future Generation Networks" (EuroView2011), Würzburg, Germany, August 2011 |
D. Martin, H. Backhaus, L. Völker, H. Wippel, P. Baumung, B. Behringer, M. Zitterbart. Designing and Running Concurrent Future Networks (Poster+Demo). The 34th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2009), Zurich, Switzerland, Oktober 2009 |
H. Wippel, S. Finster. Smart Metering using Application-Tailored Networks. ACM e-Energy 2013, Berkeley, California, USA, Mai 2013 |
H. Wippel, D. Martin, C. Spleiß, O. Hanka. Evaluation of Future Network Architectures and Services in the G-Lab Testbed. The 6th International ICST Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks & Communities (TridentCom 2010), Berlin, Germany, Mai 2010 |
H. Backhaus, R. Bless, D. Martin, M. Röhricht, H. Wippel, M. Zitterbart. Tools for Application-tailored Network Engineering. 12th Würzburg Workshop on IP: ITG Workshop "Visions of Future Generation Networks" (EuroView2012), Würzburg, Germany, Juli 2012 |
M. Röhricht, H. Wippel, M. Zitterbart. Towards Composed Communication Services in Future Networks. 9th Würzburg Workshop on IP: Joint ITG and Euro-NF Workshop , Würzburg, Germany, Juli 2009 |
D. Martin, H. Wippel. Evaluating a Framework for Different Networking Paradigms (TR). Technical Report TM-2013-2, Institute of Telematics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Juli 2013 |
D. Martin, H. Wippel. API Usage and Message Passing in NENA. Technical Report TM-2013-1, Institute of Telematics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Januar 2013 |
Titel | Forschungsthema | Betreuung | Bearbeitung |
Hardware-gestütztes Reverse Engineering von Protokollen in zukünftigen Netzen | Future Internet | (veraltet) |
Titel | Forschungsthema | Betreuung | Bearbeitung |
Ressourcen-Management in zukünftigen Netzen mit Linux Containers | Future Internet | (offen) | |
Hardware-gestütztes Reverse Engineering von Protokollen in zukünftigen Netzen | Future Internet | (veraltet) | |
Ausbringung und Konfiguration von Netlets im G-Lab Testbett | Future Internet | Denis Martin, Hans Wippel |
Benjamin Behringer |
Titel | Typ | Ort | Zeit |
Projektpraktikum Future Internet | Praktikum | SR367, Gebäude 20.20 |
Vorbesprechung Donnerstag, 14.10.2010, 10:15 Uhr |
Service Composition (AG) | Projektgr. | Seminarraum 367, Geb. 20.20 |
Termine nach Absprache. Konkrete Termine werden rechtzeitig auf der Webseite der Veranstaltung angekündigt. |
ITM Mitarbeiter- und Diplomandenseminar | Seminar | Seminarraum 367, Gebäude 20.20 |
Donnerstag, 15:45-17:15 wöchentlich |