Exam Registration

  1. Registration in the Bachelor and Master degree program is AFTER online registration at the secretary to Prof. Zitterbart  by e-mail lehre∂tm.kit.edu or by phone (+49 721 608-4 6411) . Attention please, SPAM-observer is active, if necessary please contact the secretary directly.

    We need the following information for registration:
    1. Online registration

    2. Preferred date (possible appointments)

    3. Name

    4. Student number

    5. Examination subjects

    6. Degree course

    7. Examination regulation


    1. Online registration successful

    2. Preferred date: DD/MM/YY

    3. Family name, first name

    4. Student number 1234567

    5. Examination subjects MobiCom, IoE

    6. Master computer science

    7. Examination regulation 2015

  2. A resignation must be made no later than 3 working days before the exam. Otherwise, the exam is considered failed.If no medical certificate was submitted according to examination regulation, at least 6 weeks must be between the canceled and the new date of exam.

  3. We will inform you in writing of the time of your exam 3 working days before the date of exam.

  4. Please bring with you your student card and your ID card to the exam.

  5. Please observe the examination regulation and the „Modulhandbuch“ valid for your degree course.