Studienprofil: Internet und Gesellschaft

The Internet is increasingly growing into all areas of life, it influences a large part of our daily actions and is fundamental for our digital society.
The design, implementation and use of Internet-based services raises profound questions as the Internet has an influence on personal, social and legal values, such as self-determination, data use, participation or equal treatment.
The profile is of an interdisciplinary nature and combines technological foundations with knowledge and techniques from the fields of philosophy, law and sociology, so that the social impact of Internet-based services can be realistically assessed and taken into account in the development of such services.
General information about the study profiles at the Faculty of Computer Science can be found here: Master Program of Studies Informatics with Study Profile (link)
In order to receive the certificate for the study profile "Internet and Society" you have to pass selected courses.
The study profile is structured as follows:
- 25 ECTS in the area of computer science with selected courses in the context of the Internet
- 18 ECTS in the new supplementary subject "Social Aspects" with courses in the field of philosophy, law and sociology
- 6 ECTS selected key qualifications
- 30 ECTS masters thesis in the context of Internet (and Society)
The courses that can be attended in the respective areas can be found in this detailed profile description: Profile Description with Courses (pdf)
Informationen about philosophy courses
In the supplementary subject "Social Aspects" there is the placeholder module "Events from Philosophy" (Veranstaltungen aus der Philosophie). In the following list you will find PDF files with the philosophy events that you can attend for the study profile "Internet and Society" for each semester:
- SS 2025 (pdf)
- WS 2024/2025 (pdf)
- SS 2024 (pdf)
- WS2023/2024 (pdf)
- SS 2023 (pdf)
- WS 2022/2023 (pdf)
- SS 2022 (pdf)
- WS 2021/2022 (pdf)
- SS 2021 (pdf)
How can you start?
- If you are interested in the study profile "Internet and Society", please contact us by writing an e-mail to the contact person listed below.
- We arrange an appointment for a consultation: In this personal consultation, you get all the information you need to complete the study profile. Furthermore, together with you, we will prepare a rough roadmap for the study profile.
- You attend the courses as usual.
Ansprechperson und Sprechstunde
Please contact Dr. Roland Bless for advice on the study profile "Internet and Society".