Our Profile
What is Telematics anyway?
In short: Telematics = Telecommunications and Informatics.
- Definition in a broader sense:
An area within informatics that deals with data communications using technical means over ("longer") distances. - Meyers Lexikon: Coupling of informatics and telecommunications/-science
- Brockhaus encyclopedia: research area that is a synthesis of telecommunications and informatics
Often used in a more specific sense:
Telematics=public information services for private and business use, e.g. transportation telematics=telematics in traffic systems (computer and communications supported traffic management systems) or telematics in health care (e.g. remote diagnosis, automatic emergency calls coupled with monitoring of vital functions).
What is our research about?
Our research interests mostly focus on:
- Infrastructure, Management & Signaling (Virtualization, quality-of-service, security, mobility management)
- P2P and Overlay Networks (Self-organization, quality-of-service, network security, multicast & group communication overlays, heterogeneous networks, grid computing)
- Wireless Sensornetworks (Service-orientation, middleware, context awareness, security, secure data aggregation)
How are we doing research?
Developing and analyzing communication protocols is a complex task. For this reason we use modern simulation frameworks on powerful computing hardware in order to evaluate and test communications systems on a large scale. Furthermore we are working on our own simulation tools and prototypes of communication systems.