PD Dr.-Ing. Roland Bless
- Room: Kaiserstr. 40, Geb. 01.99, 4. OG, R4.04
- Phone: +49 721 608-46413
- Fax: +49 721 608-46789
- roland bless ∂ kit edu
PGP/GPG-Key rsa4096/A38DDAD9643895EE 2017-02-27
Fingerprint 1154 8F71 C791 DA1E C7F6 A5EF A38D DAD9 6438 95EES/MIME-Zertifikat KIT-CA
Fingerprint SHA-256 61:F6:79:EC:2C:27:56:50:91:DA:CC:16:5C:3A:1B:B5:92:CA:1E:0A:56:D8:9C:D8:93:DE:9E:F9:B0:5B:07:2EMatrix: @tj9063:kit.edu
About me
Dr. Bless is Associate Professor and senior researcher at the Institute of Telematics, Chair Prof. Zitterbart. He studied Computer Science (Diplom-Informatik) at the University of Karlsruhe until 1996 and got his PhD (Dr.-Ing.) under supervision of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Gerhard Krüger in the area Quality-of-Service-Management in 2002. In 2009 he finished his Habilitation at the Computer Science Department of Informatics at KIT. Since 1998 he is active in the Internet Standardization and gives lectures at KIT on "Next Generation Internet", and "Network Security". Dr. Bless is member of Gesellschaft für Informatik, ACM SIGCOMM, IEEE ComSoc, and ISOC performs reviews for journal articles and scientific papers.
Research Interests
Highly Scalable Zero-Touch Routing (KIRA)
Quality-of-Service, Congestion Control and Active Queue Management
Energy Packets
Self-driving networks, esp. in the context of 6th generation mobile networks
Signaling, Network Control and Network Management
Network Virtualization and Software-defined Networking
Future Internet architectures and protocols
Peer-to-Peer and overlay networks
Inter-Domain routing
Secure Network Communications
Internet Standardization
Multimedia Services in the Internet
some time ago also SS7/INAP, ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode), LDAP
- 1st Prize KIVS Software-Award for Ariba (Project SpoVNet), 2011
- 2nd Prize (Honorable Mention) Demonstration SIGCOMM 2009 "Reconnecting the Internet with ariba: Self-Organizing Provisioning of End-to-End Connectivity in Heterogeneous Networks" (Project SpoVNet), Barcelona
- 1st Prize IPv6 Application Contest Idea Category "Decentralized and Autonomous Bootstrapping for IPv6-based Peer-to-Peer Networks", 2009
I'm regularly reviewing submissions to journals, conferences, and workshops. For example (no guarantee for completeness)
- Journals: IEEE Communications Letters, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, International Journal of Communication Systems, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMCCAP), ACM Computer Communications Review (CCR)
- Programm Committees: ICC2010 (Next-Generation Networking and Internet Symposium), ATNAC 2010, ICC2009 (Next Generation Networking Symposium), Globecomm 2009, Globecomm 2008 (Next Generation Networks, Protocols, and Services Symposium),ICC 2006, CCNC 2006 (HWN-RMQ Workshop), ICC2005, LCN 2005, CCNC 2004, LCN 2004, LCN 2003
Khaloopour, L.; Su, Y.; Raskob, F.; Meuser, T.; Bless, R.; Janzen, L.; Abedi, K.; Andjelkovic, M.; Chaari, H.; Chakraborty, P.; Kreutzer, M.; Hollick, M.; Strufe, T.; Franchi, N.; Jamali, V.
2024. IEEE Access, 12, 155666–155695. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3480275
Paeleke, L.; Keshtiarast, N.; Seehofer, P.; Bless, R.; Karl, H.; Petrova, M.; Zitterbart, M.
2024. 32nd IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), Charleroi, 28.10-31.10.2024, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Lindenschmitt, D.; Seehofer, P.; Schmitz, M.; Mertes, J.; Bless, R.; Klar, M.; Zitterbart, M.; Schotten, H. D.; Aurich, J. C.
2024. 15th International Conference on Network of the Future (NoF), Castelldefels, 2nd-4th October 2024, Castelldefels, Spain, 02-04 October 2024. Ed.: T. Mahmoodi, 151–153, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/NoF62948.2024.10741442
Schichtholz, B. D.; Bless, R.; Jacob, F.; Hartenstein, H.; Zitterbart, M.
2024. Proceedings of the ACM Conext-2024 Workshop on the Decentralization of the Internet (DIN ’24), Los Angeles, CA, USA, December 9–12, 2024, 8–14, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3694809.3700741
Lindenschmitt, D.; Seehofer, P.; Schmitz, M.; Mertes, J.; Bless, R.; Klar, M.; Zitterbart, M.; Aurich, J. C.; Schotten, H. D.
2024. arxiv. doi:10.5445/IR/1000175527
Corici, M.-I.; Eichhorn, F.; Bless, R.; Gundall, M.; Lindenschmitt, D.; Bloessl, B.; Petrova, M.; Wimmer, L.; Kreuch, R.; Magedanz, T.; Schotten, H. D.
2023. IEEE Access, 11, 70698–70715. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3293055
Seehofer, P.; Bless, R.; Mahrt, H.; Zitterbart, M.
2023. 2023 19th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), Niagara Falls, ON, Canada, 30 October 2023 - 02 November 2023, 1–9, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.23919/cnsm59352.2023.10327800
Seehofer, P.; Mahrt, H.; Bless, R.; Zitterbart, M.
2023. ACM SIGCOMM ’23: Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2023 Conference. Ed.: H. Schulzrinne, 1165–1167, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3603269.3610864
Seehofer, P.; Bless, R.; Zitterbart, M.
2023. NOMS 2023 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/NOMS56928.2023.10154355
Bless, R.; König, M.
2023, November 8. Internet Engineering Task Force : IETF 118 Meeting (2023), Prague, Czechia, November 4–10, 2023
Bless, R.; Bloessl, B.; Hollick, M.; Corici, M.; Karl, H.; Krummacker, D.; Lindenschmitt, D.; Schotten, H. D.; Wimmer, L.
2022. 2022 Joint European Conference on Networks and Communications & 6G Summit (EuCNC/6G Summit), Grenoble, France, 07-10 June 2022, 547–552, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/EuCNC/6GSummit54941.2022.9815813
Bless, R.; Zitterbart, M.; Despotovic, Z.; Hecker, A.
2022. 21st IFIP Networking Conference, 13th-16th June 2022, Catania, 1–9, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.23919/IFIPNetworking55013.2022.9829816
Schneider, K.; Wiegel, F.; Schulz, D.; Hagenmeyer, V.; Hiller, M.; Bless, R.; Zitterbart, M.
2021. 2021 IEEE 46th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), 331–334, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/LCN52139.2021.9525020
Hock, M.; Bless, R.; Neumeister, F.; Zitterbart, M.
2019. 2019 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking), Warsaw, Poland, 20-22 May 2019, 1–2, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.23919/IFIPNetworking46909.2019.8999402
Hock, M.; Veit, M.; Neumeister, F.; Bless, R.; Zitterbart, M.
2019. Proceedings of the 44th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2019), Osnabrück, 14.-17. Oktober 2019, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Bless, R.
2019. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). doi:10.17487/RFC8622
Bless, R.; Hock, M.; Zitterbart, M.
2018. 2018 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking) and Workshops, Zurich, CH, May 14-16, 2018, 1–9, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.23919/IFIPNetworking.2018.8696627
Hock, M.; Bless, R.; Zitterbart, M.
2017. 2017 IEEE 25th International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), Toronto, ON, 10–13 October 2017, 1–10, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ICNP.2017.8117540
Hock, M.; Neumeister, F.; Zitterbart, M.; Bless, R.
2017. 42nd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, LCN 2017; Singapore; Singapore; 9 October 2017 through 12 October 2017, 215–218, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/LCN.2017.42
Hock, M.; König, M.; Bless, R.; Zitterbart, M.
2017, October 10. 42nd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2017), Singapore, Singapore, October 9–12, 2017
Bauer, R.; Bless, R.; Haas, C.; Jung, M.; Zitterbart, M.
2016. Automatisierungstechnik, 64 (9), 765–773. doi:10.1515/auto-2016-0072
Orwat, C.; Bless, R.
2016. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 46 (2), 25–31. doi:10.1145/2935634.2935640
Hudic, A.; Flittner, M.; Lorunser, T.; Radl, P. M.; Bless, R.
2016. 11th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES ), Salzburg, Austria, 31 August–2 September 2016, 428–436, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ARES.2016.73
Hock, M.; Bless, R.; Zitterbart, M.
2016. 2016 IEEE 41st Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 7–10 November 2016, 567–570, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/LCN.2016.94
Flittner, M.; Balaban, S.; Bless, R.
2016. IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering Workshop (IC2EW), Berlin, Germany, April 4 - 8, 2016, 94–99, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/IC2EW.2016.36
Bless, R.; Flittner, M.
2014. 2014 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Cloud Networking (CloudNet), Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 8–10 October 2014, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/CloudNet.2014.6969025
Bless, R.; Dudek, D.; Zitterbart, M.; Bräuchle, T.; Raabe, O.; Greiner, S.; Beckert, B.; Schmeck, H.
2014. (K. Bao, A. Hergenröder & C. Haas, Eds.), Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Bless, R.; Hutchison, D.; Schöller, M.; Smith, P.; Tauber, M.
2013. ERCIM news, (95)
Schöller, M.; Bless, R.; Pallas, F.; Horneber, J.; Smith, P.
2013. IEEE 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom), 2013 : 2 - 5 December 2013, Bristol, United Kingdom. Vol. 1, 458–465, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/CloudCom.2013.67
Bless, R.; Röhricht, M.; Werle, C.
2012. Journal of Communications, 7 (1), 17–27. doi:10.4304/jcm.7.1.17-27
Röhricht, M.; Bless, R.
2012. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2012) : Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 10th - 15th June, 2012, 6987–6992, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ICC.2012.6364953
Backhaus, H.; Bless, R.; Martin, D.; Röhricht, M.; Wippel, H.; Zitterbart, M.
2012. 12th Würzburg Workshop on IP: ITG Workshop "Visions of Future Generation Networks" (EuroView2012), Würzburg, July 23-24, 2012
Bless, R.; Sanchez, S. P.
2011. Architecture and Design for the Future Internet. Hrsg.: L. Correia, H. Abramowicz, M. Johnsson, K. Wünstel, S. 59–88, Springer Netherlands
Bless, R.; Mayer, C.; Hübsch, C.; Waldhorst, C.
2011. Future Internet Services and Service Architectures. Ed.: R. Anand, 23–47, River Publishers
Werle, C.; Bless, R.; Papadimitriou, P.; Louati, W.; Houidi, I.; Zeghlache, D.; Mathy, L.
2011. Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2011 Conference, SIGCOMM’11, Toronto, ON, Canada, 15th-19th August, 2011, 412–413, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/2018436.2018495
Hübsch, C.; Mayer, C. P.; Mies, S.; Bless, R.; Waldhorst, O. P.; Zitterbart, M.
2011. Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS), Kiel, 151–155, De Gruyter. doi:10.1515/piko.2011.031
Bless, R.; Röhricht, M.
2011. 19th ACM/IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS 2011), San Jose, CA, June 6-7, 2011, Article no 5931345, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/IWQOS.2011.5931345
Bless, R.; Röhricht, M.; Werle, C.
2011. Proceedings of 20th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2011), Lahaina, Maui, HI, July 31 - August 4, 2011, Art.Nr.6006103,S.1–8, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ICCCN.2011.6006103
Bless, R.; Röhricht, M.
2010. Scalable computing, 11 (4), 329–343
Hübsch, C.; Mayer, C. P.; Mies, S.; Bless, R.; Waldhorst, O. P.; Zitterbart, M.
2010. Computer Communication Review, 40 (1), 131–132
Waldhorst, O. P.; Bless, R.; Zitterbart, M.
2010. Informatik Spektrum, 33 (2), 171–185. doi:10.1007/s00287-010-0418-6
Bless, R.; Röhricht, M.
2010. 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Internet and Distributed Computing Systems (IDCS) in conjunction with 12th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC),, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, September 1- 3, 2010, 659–664, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/HPCC.2010.90
Hübsch, C.; Mayer, C. P.; Mies, S.; Bless, R.; Waldhorst, O. P.; Zitterbart, M.
2010. Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM. The 29th Conference on Computer Communications, San Diego, CA, March 15-19, 2010, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Bless, R.; Röhricht, M.
2010. Proceedings of the 10th Würzburg Workshop on IP: Joint ITG, ITC, and Euro-NF Workshop "Visions of Future Generation Networks" (EuroView2010), Würzburg, 2.-3. August 2010, 1–2
Bless, R.; Röhricht, M.
2010. Proceeding SIMUTools ’10 Proceedings of the 3rd International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques, 1–4, ICST
Bless, R.; Röhricht, M.
2010. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2010), Cape Town, South Africa, Mai 2010, 1–6, IEEE Computer Society
Bless, R.; Werle, C.
2009. Electronic Communications of the EASST, 17, 1–12
Bless, R.; Waldhorst, O. P.; Mayer, C. P.; Wippel, H.
2009. Winning Entry of the IPv6 Contest 2009 by IPv6 Council, Leipzig
Bless, R.; Haas, C.; Werle, C.; Krauß, C.
2009. Proceedings des KIT-Workshop "Fahrzeugkommunikation", 11. November 2009, Karlsruhe, Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
Werle, C.; Völker, L.; Bless, R.
2009. 4th GI/ITG KuVS Workshop on The Future Internet and 2nd Workshop on Economic Traffic Management (FI-ETM 2009), Zürich, Switzerland, November 9-10, 2009, Zurich
Bless, R.; Werle, C.
2009. Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Network of the Future 2009, Dresden, Germany, 1–6, IEEE Computer Society
Bless, R.; Röhricht, M.
2009. NETWORKING 2009 8th International IFIP-TC 6 Networking Conference Aachen, Germany, May 11-15, 2009, Proceedings. Ed.: L. Fratta, 169–181, Springer-Verlag
Bless, R.; Röhricht, M.
2009. 2009 IEEE International Confernece on Communications ICC 2009 Proceedings, Dresden, Germany, 14-18 June 2009, 1–6, IEEE Computer Society
Werle, C.; Bless, R.; Papadimitriou, P.; Schaffrath, G.; Feldmann, A.; Greenhalgh, A.; Kind, M.; Maennel, O.; Mathy, L.
2009. Proceeding VISA ’09 Proceedings of the 1st ACM workshop on Virtualized infrastructure systems and architectures, 63–72, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Bless, R.; Hübsch, C.; Mies, S.; Waldhorst, O.
2008. Next Generation Internet Networks and 4th EURO-NGI Conference on Next Generation Internet Networks, Krakow, Poland, April 2008, 115–122, IEEE Computer Society
Bless, R.; Manner, J.
Bless, R.; Waldhorst, O. P.; Mayer, C. P.
2008. 1st GI/ITG KuVS Meeting on Future Internet, Heidelberg, Juni 2008
Bless, R.; Hillebrand, J.; Prehofer, C.; Zitterbart, M.
2007. Wireless personal communications, 3 (43), 817–835
Waldhorst, O.; Bless, R.; Mies, S.; Hübsch, C.
2007. 7th Würzburg Workshop on IP: Joint EuroFGI and ITG Workshop on "Visions of Future Generation Networks" (EuroView 2007), Würzburg, Germany, Juli 2007
Bless, R.; Radio Regenbogen
2007. (S. Fuchs, Ed.). doi:10.5445/DIVA/2007-220
Baumgart, I.; Bless, R.; Xu, B.; Stefanov, S.; Weis, E.; Bayer, B.; Sivchenki, D.; Banniza, T.; Wünstel, K.; Wahl, S.; Sigle, R.; Siebert, M.; Keller, R.; Dekorsy, A.; Bauer, M.; Soellner, M.; Eichinger, J.; Gan, C.; Pittmann, F.; Kühne, R.; Schläger, M.
2006. Information technology, 48 (5 Themenheft), 253–263. doi:10.1524/itit.2006.48.5.253
Bless, R.; Gamer, T.; Schöller, M.
2006. Proceedings of the IEEE / IST Workshop on "Monitoring, Attack Detection and Mitigation", Tübingen, 28.-29. September 2006, 47–50, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Gamer, T.; Schöller, M.; Bless, R.
2006. Autonomic networking. Ed.: D. Gaiti, 97–108
Bless, R.; Prehofer, C.; Zitterbart, M.; Hillebrand, J.
2006. 9th WPMC 2006, San Diego, CA
Bless, R.; Mink, S.; Blaß, E.; Conrad, M.; Hof, H.; Kutzner, K.; Schöller, M.
2005. Springer-Verlag
Vogt, C.; Bless, R.; Doll, M.; Küfner, T.
2005. 2005 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, WCNC 2005: Broadband Wirelss for the Masses - Ready for Take-off; New Orleans, LA, March 13 - 17, 2005, 1440–1445, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/WCNC.2005.1424727
Hillebrand, J.; Prehofer, C.; Bless, R.; Zitterbart, M.
2005. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2005), New Orleans, LA, March 13-17, 2005, 1248–1253, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Schöller, M.; Gamer, T.; Bless, R.; Zitterbart, M.
2005. Active and programmable networks : IFIP TC6 7th international working conference, IWAN 2005, Sophia Antipolis, France, November 21-23, 2005. Eds.: David Hutchison, Spyros Denazis, Laurent Lefevre, Gary J. Minden, 121–131, Springer-Verlag
Vogt, C.; Bless, R.; Doll, M.; Arkko, J.; Küfner, T.
2005. Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
Bless, R.; Doll, M.; Vogt, C.; Daley, G.
2005. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Bless, R.; Doll, M.; Vogt, C.; Daley, G.
2005. 63th Meeting of the Internet Engineering Task Force, IETF, Paris, France, July 31 - August 5, 2005
Küfner, T.; Doll, M.; Bless, R.; Vogt, C.
2005, March. IEEE Wireless and Communications and Networking Conference, New Orleans, March, 13-17, 2005
Bless, R.
2004. Telecommunication systems, 26 (1), 33–52. doi:10.1023/B:TELS.0000029019.73186.aa
Hillebrand, J.; Prehofer, C.; Bless, R.; Zitterbart, M.
2004. IEEE communications magazine, 42 (6), 72–79. doi:10.1109/MCOM.2004.1304235
Bless, R.; Doll, M.
2004. Proceedings of the 2004 Winter Simulation Conference, Washington, DC, December 5-8, 2004, 1556–1561, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/WSC.2004.1371498
Vogt, C.; Bless, R.; Doll, M.; Kuefner, T.
2004. Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
Vogt, C.; Arkko, J.; Bless, R.; Doll, M.; Küfner, T.
2004. MIP6 Meeting, 60th IETF Meeting, San Diego, 3rd August, 2004
Vogt, C.; Bless, R.; Doll, M.; Küfner, T.; Arkko, J.
2004. Mobopts Mobopts Meeting, 60th IETF Meeting, San Diego, 2nd August, 2004
Vogt, C.; Doll, M.; Küfner, T.; Bless, R.
2004. 59th IETF Meeting, Seoul, South Korea, 29th February- 4th March , 2004
Lichtwald, G.; Zitterbart, M.; Bless, R.
2003. Proceedings of the 1st Inter-Domain Routing Workshop (IDRWS 2003) 18th of September Karlsruhe, Germany, 6–20, Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
Lichtwald, G.; Zitterbart, M.; Bless, R.; Schmidt, M.
2003. CON 2003 : The 11th IEEE International Conference on Networks, Sydney, Australia, September 28 - October 1, 2003, 25–30, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Bless, R.; Wehrle, K.; Nichols, K.
Bless, R.
2002. In: Proceedings of 2nd International OMNeT++ Workshop, Berlin 2002. S. 18-22
Bless, R.
2002. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Modeling and Analysis, ICTSM 10, Monterey, CA 2002. S. 26-28
Bless, R.; Walter, U.; Wehrle, K.
2002. In: Informatiktage 2002: Fachwissenschaftlicher Informatik-Kongress, Bad Schussenried 2002. Hrsg.: Gesellschaft für Informatik. S. 91-95
Schelen, O.; Couturier, A.; Bless, R.; Geib, R.; Dugeon, O.
2002. 2002. (Internet-Drafts. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). draft-schelen-nsis-opopsig-01.txt.)
Bless, R.; Wehrle, K.
2002. 2002. (Internet-Drafts. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). draft-bless-diffserv-multicast-03.txt.)
Bless, R.; Carpenter, B.; Nichols, K.; Wehrle, K.
2002. 2002. (Internet-Drafts. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). draft-bless-diffserv-pdb-le-00.txt.)
Bless, R.
2002. Aachen 2002. (Berichte aus der Telematik.) Fak. f. Informatik, Diss. v. 13.2.2002., Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
Bless, R.; Doll, M.; Wehrle, K.; Zitterbart, M.
2002. Praxis in der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation, 25 (2), 104–111
Doll, M.; Bless, R.
2002. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Wehrle, K.; Holzhausen, D.; Bless, R.
2001. In: Proceedings of 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Future Internet Services, QofIS 2001, Coimbra, Portugal 2001. S. 158-169
Bless, R.; Wehrle, K.
2001. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Internet QoS, Brisbane, Australia 2001. S. 618-625
Wehrle, K.; Bless, R.; Holzhausen, D.; Ritter, H.
2001. In: Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on ATM and High Speed Intelligent Internet, ICATM 2001, Seoul, Korea 2001. Ed.: IEEE Communications Society. S. 85-90
Bless, R.; Wehrle, K.
2000. 2000. (Internet-Drafts. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). draft-bless-diffserv-lbe-phb-00.txt.)
Bless, R.; Wehrle, K.
2000. 2000. (Internet-Drafts. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). draft-bless-diffserv-multicast-01.txt.)
Bless, R.; Wehrle, K.
1999. In: Tagungsband. 1. GI Multicast Workshop, Braunschweig 1999. Braunschweig 1999. S. 15-27
Bless, R.; Wehrle, K.
1999. In: 7th International Workshop on Quality of Service, London 1999. Ed.: IEEE. S. 97-106
Bless, R.; Dresler, S.; Mueller, D.
1999. (K. Wehrle, Ed.), Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
Bless, R.
1998. In: Leistungs-, Zuverlässigkeits- und Verläßlichkeitsbewertung von Kommunikationsnetzen und verteilten Systemen. Hrsg.: K. Heidtmann. Hamburg 1998. S. 1-3. (Bericht. Universität Hamburg, Fachbereich Informatik. 209.)
Bless, R.; Schmidt, C.
1997. In: Building QoS into distributed systems. IWQOS’97. Ed.: A. Campbell. London 1997. S. 179-190
Schmidt, C.; Bless, R.
1996. In: Quality of service - description, modelling and management. IWQOS96. Ed.: J. de Meer. Sankt Augustin 1996. S. 199-208. (GMD-Studien. 282.)
Overview on Courses
- Next Generation Internet (summer term)
- Multimediakommunikation (winter term)
- Hot topics in Networking
- Research Seminar
Titel | chair | advisor | person in charge |
Implementierung und Evaluierung des RELOAD-Protokolls für P2P-Netze | Internet protocols, P2P protocols | André Becker | |
Experimente und Leistungsbewertung für den neuen Netzwerkprozessor IBM PowerEN™ | Future Internet |
(offen) |
Decentralized Bootstrapping using IPv6 Anycast | Internet protocols, IPv6 | Julian Faude |
RFC bibtex file
If you're frequently citing RFCs as reference, you might want to have a bibtex file of all RFCs. So I wrote an XSLT script to translate the XML-based rfc index, which is provided by the RFC editor, into a bibtex format. Because it is my first XSLT file I've written, it may be far from being perfect. However, I think it works well enough for most purposes. After translation by xslt, you need to replace some special characters that TeX doesn't like. This is preferably done by sed or perl, because XSLT does not perform very well for such tasks. Okay, I hope I saved a little bit of your valuable time, so enjoy...
- There is a public accessible git repository here:https://git.scc.kit.edu/TM/rfcbib.git
It also contains a daily updated rfc.bib
- BibTeX file of RFC index (converted daily from RFC Editor's XML index)
rfc.bib.gz (gzip compressed) - rfc.bib
- rfcxmlindex2bibtex.xslt
XSLT XML transformation script for converting the XML-based rfc index to bibtex.
Use this script for a customized output. You could use eitherxsltproc
orjava org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -in rfc-index.xml -xsl rfcxmlindex2bibtex.xslt -out -
xsltproc rfcxmlindex2bibtex.xslt rfc-index.xml | sed -e 's/\([_&%#$]\)/\\\1/g' -e '/author=/s/\([^ ]*\) \(3rd\|Jr\.\)/\{\1 \2\}/g' >rfc.bib
Eric Rescorla has written a perl script which you may use as an alternative
PS2EPS - Tool for generating Encapsulated Postscript Format (EPS,EPSF) files from one-page Postscript documents
Download Version 1.70 - 2018-09-01
- ps2eps-1.70.zip (includes bbox binaries for i386-based win32 and linux (i386/x86_64)) PGP/GPG signature
- ps2eps-1.70.tar.gz (includes bbox binaries for i386-based win32 and linux (i386/x86_64)) PGP/GPG signature
- Latest Debian package
Please see Changes for what has changed.
ps2eps [-f
] [-q
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] [-X][-n
] [-P
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] [-m
] [-B
] [-E
] [-s pagedim
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] [-H
] [-d
] [-h|--help
] [-a
] [-W
] [-L
] [-V|--version
] [--
] [psfile1] [psfile2] [...]
This manual page documents ps2eps version 1.68.
ps2eps is a tool (written in Perl) to produce Encapsulated PostScript Files (EPS/EPSF) from usual one-paged Postscript documents. It calculates correct Bounding Boxes for those EPS files and filters some special postscript command sequences that can produce erroneous results on printers. EPS files are often needed for including (scalable) graphics of high quality into TeX/LaTeX (or even Word) documents.
Without any argument, ps2eps reads from standard input and writes to standard output. If filenames are given as arguments they are processed one by one and output files are written to filenames with extension .eps. If input filenames have the extension .ps or .prn, this extension is replaced with .eps. In all other cases .eps is appended to the input filename. Please note that PostScript files for input should contain only one single page (you can possibly use the psselect from the psutils package to extract a single page from a document that contains multiple pages).
If BoundingBox in output seems to be wrong, please try options --size
or --ignoreBB
. See also section TROUBLESHOOTING.
ps2eps follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). A summary of options is included below.
Show summary of options.
Show version of program.
Force overwriting existing files. ps2eps will not overwrite files by default to avoid deleting original EPS files accidently.
quiet operation (no output while processing files, except errors).
do not insert any postscript code. Normally a few postscript instructions are added around the original postscript code by ps2eps which can be turned off by this option.
do not filter %%Orientation: header comment.
-X, --BBonly
Just print the resulting bounding box(es) to standard error, no output file is written. ps2eps will perform a read-only operation. This is highly useful to calculate bounding boxes of PDF files. Can be used with option --quiet to suppress other output and also with --nohires to suppress output of the HiResBoundingBox. It can be used with pdfcrop as follows: pdfcrop --gscmd ’gswrap- ps2eps.sh’ file.pdf where gswrap-ps2eps.sh containts something like ps2eps -l -X -q $BASH_ARGV
do not try to fix postscript code by filtering some instructions.
remove preview image (smaller file, but no preview anymore).
fix postscript code unconditionally. Otherwise, filtering is usually triggered by detection of certain drivers only.
preserve document structure comments.
insert postscript code for clipping. Unless
is specified, the HiResBoundingBox (enlarged by 0.1 points) is used for clipping. -m
use black/white bitmap as base for calculation (default: off).
is a pre-defined standard page size (e.g., a4,a0,b0,letter,...) or explicitly specified in a formatpagedim
:=XxY[cm|in], where X and Y are numbers (floating points are accepted) followed by units centimeter (cm) or inch (in), (default: cm). Use--size=list
to list pre-defined pagesizes. See also environment variablePS2EPS_SIZE
. -t
specify an x,y offset (may be negative) in postscript points (1/72 dpi) for drawing. This option may be required if your drawing has negative coordinates which usually lets ghostscript cut the negative part of your picture, because it starts to render at positive coordinates. The resulting output will also be shifted.
specify a resolution in dpi (dots per inch) for drawing under ghostscript. Default resolution is 144 dpi which is the double of the typical 72 dpi. This option may help if there is a hardware dependent resolution encoded in the postscript, e.g., 600dpi. Example: ps2eps -l -r 600 test.ps
This option rotates the resulting EPS output. The parameter
determines the direction of rotation: + means +90 degrees (clockwise),- means -90 degrees (counter-clockwise), and ^ means 180 degrees (up-side down). -l
expand the original tight bounding box by one point in each direction.
do not use existing bounding box as page size for rendering.
do not use %%EOF as hint for end of file. Otherwise, ps2eps assumes that postscript code ends after the last %%EOF comment, because some drivers add trailing binary "garbage" code which gets deleted by ps2eps by default.
use internal bbox device of ghostscript instead of the external C program bbox. The internal bbox device of ghostscript generates different values (sometimes even incorrect), so using the provided bbox should be more robust. See also environment variable
. -H
do not generate a %%HiResBoundingBox comment for output.
increase the accuracy by turning subsample antialiasing on (may be slower)
show licensing information.
show ghostscript call. This may be helpful for solving problems that occur during a ghostscript call.
show warnings about sanity of generated EPS file. Certain postscript commands should not be contained in an EPS file. With this option set ps2eps will issue a warning if it detects at least one of them.
Based on the given postscript source code (in most cases generated by some postscript printer driver) there are many potential obstacles or problems that may occur when trying to create proper EPS files. Please read this section carefully to be aware of common pitfalls.
Incomplete/Clipped Images
or how to determine the right size for ghostscript.
If you have documents that are larger than your ghostscript default (usually A4 or US letter), you have to specify the page dimensions explicitly using the -s
option. Otherwise your EPS might be cut off during rasterizing by ghostscript resulting in a wrongly calculated bounding box. You can pass all pre-defined page sizes to -s
that ghostscript understands. These are currently: 11x17, ledger, legal, letter, lettersmall, archA, archB, archC, archD, archE a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, isob0, isob1, isob2, isob3, isob4, isob5, isob6, b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, jisb0, jisb1, jisb2, jisb3, jisb4, jisb5, jisb6, flsa, flse, halfletter. Unfortunately, all sizes are currently only available in portrait orientation (not landscape).
By default, ps2eps uses an already given %%BoundingBox from the source file, which often corresponds to the size of the physical page format for which the document was printed. However, you should be aware that this already specified bounding box may be not correct, thus resulting in a wrongly cropped (or even no usable) .eps-file. ps2eps can only do as good as ghostscript does in rendering the original postscript file (though ps2eps even works with negative and fractional values are contained in the original bounding box by using automatic translation). Therefore, if the given bounding box is to small or incorrect anyway, you can ignore the existing bounding box with the -B
option, which will cause ghostscript to use its internal default size (or use -s
). However, if the BoundingBox has negative coordinates, which is not allowed by the specification, ps2eps will shift the output to positive values.
Hint: to avoid rotating the picture if you have the original drawing in landscape format, you may use the "Encapsulated Postscript" option in the printer driver which should generate an EPS file (but with a bounding box of the sheet size!). But some Windows printer drivers are drawing the image with an offset from the bottom of the portrait page, so that a part of it is drawn outside the landscape oriented page. In this case, you'll have to specify a square size of the page using the maximum length, e.g., 29.7cm x 29.7cm for an A4 page.
or why gets some of my text deleted above the included .eps file?
Some postscript drivers draw a white rectangle from the top left corner of the page to the right lower corner of the object. This may erase some or even all text above your imported/included EPS file, which is very annoying. In order to prevent this, most programs have a clipping option for imported .eps files (within LaTeX you can use \includegraphics*{}) for this purpose. If this is unfortunately not the case, you can use the -C
option of ps2eps which will (hopefully) do it for you. Unfortunately, PScript.dll 5.2 (Windows XP) introduced new very badly behaving Postscript code (initclip) which will even override the outer clipping! Thus, a new filter had to be installed in ps2eps which will fix it.
However, because most programs clip directly on the bounding box, you still may loose some pixels of your image, because the bounding box is described in the coarse resolution of postscript points, i.e. 72 dpi. In order to prevent this, you can use the -l
option or -C
option (for the latter, clipping by the importing program should be disabled then) to allow for a 1 point larger bounding box. -C
clips around a 1 point enlarged bounding box and -l
enlarges the bounding box values by 1 point (you can also combine both options).
Included Filters
Some postscript sequences, e.g., for using specific printer features (featurebegin ...), are not working well within an .eps file, so ps2eps tries to filter them out. But please note that filters for postscript code may not work properly for your printer driver (ps2eps was mainly tested with HP and Adobe printer drivers, although it may work for all printers using the PScript.dll). In this case you can try to turn of filtering by using option -n
, or try to find the bad sequence in the postscript code and adapt the filter rule in the ps2eps script (variables $linefilter, $rangefilter_begin, $rangefilter_end; linefilter is an expression for filtering single lines, rangefilter_... are expressions that filter all lines between a pattern matching $rangefilter_begin and $rangefilter_end; drop me an e-mail with your modifications). However, things may change as the printer drivers (e.g., PScript.dll) or postscript language evolve.
Some applications or drivers generate postscript code with leading or trailing binary code, which often confuses older postscript interpreters. ps2eps tries to remove such code, but it may sometimes make a wrong guess about start and end of the real postscript code (drop me an e-mail with a zipped postscript source, see section BUGS).
Comment lines or even blank lines are removed (which is the default to make .eps files smaller), which may corrupt your output. Please check the next section how to fix this. ps2eps removes blank lines and also <CR> (carriage ceturn "\r") at the end of lines. However, nicely formatted postscript code gives a hint by using "%¾ginBinary" "%%EndBinary" comments. When ps2eps detects these comments it will refrain from any filtering action within the marked binary sections.
ps2eps filters also %%Orientation: comments by default (you can use option -O
to turn off filtering), because ghostscript may "automagically" rotate images when generating PDF images, which is not desired in most cases. Hint: you can turn off that feature in ghostscript unconditionally by specifying -dAutoRotatePages=/None.
Corrupted Output
Some postscript code may get corrupted when comment lines or even blank lines are removed (which is the default to make .eps files smaller), because those files may contain encoded images which also have a % as first character in a line or use a special comment as end of image delimiter. If this is the case, use the -c
option to prevent filtering comments.
Color and memory
ps2eps supports colored postscript, consequently letting ghostscript consume more resources for drawing its bitmap (roughly 6MBytes for an A4 page). bbox is reading the bitmap line by line so it consumes only minimal memory. If you experience problems with memory consumption of ghostscript, you may use the -m
option for using a monochrome image. But this will probably result in wrongly determined bounding boxes with colored images, because ghostscript has to do black/white dithering and may thus suppress objects drawn in light colors.
Another option in case of memory problems and too long run times is to use the much more memory efficient internal ghostscript bbox by using the -g
Please note that a command line option always takes precedence over the related environment variable.
The environment variable PS2EPS_SIZE
can be used to specify a default page size and take any argument that --size
accepts. Examples: export PS2EPS_SIZE=a0 (bash-like syntax) or setenv PS2EPS_SIZE letter (csh syntax).
If the environment variable PS2EPS_GSBBOX
is set the internal bbox device of ghostscript will be used instead of the external command bbox. Examples: export PS2EPS_GSBBOX=true (bash-like syntax) or setenv PS2EPS_GSBBOX 1 (csh syntax).
The usual call is simply: ps2eps -l file
A relatively failsafe call would be (if your postscript is smaller than iso b0 [100cm x 141.4cm] and you have a fast computer with enough memory): ps2eps -l -B -s b0 -c -n file
If output is not correct try: ps2eps -l -B -s b0 -F file
ps2eps was written by Roland Bless.
Other programs like ps2epsi do not calculate the bounding box always correctly (because the values are put on the postscript stack which may get corrupted by bad postscript code) or rounded it off so that clipping the EPS cut off some part of the image. ps2eps uses a double precision resolution of 144 dpi and appropriate rounding to get a proper bounding box. The internal bbox device of ghostscript generates different values (sometimes even incorrect), so using the provided bbox should be more robust. However, because normal clipping has only a resolution of 1/72dpi (postscript point), the clipping process may still erase parts of your EPS image. In this case please use the -l
option to add an additional point of white space around the tight bounding box.
Some people contributed code or suggestions to improve ps2eps. Here are at least some names (sorry if I forgot your name): Christophe Druet, Hans Ecke, Berend Hasselman, Erik Joergensen, Koji Nakamaru, Hans Fredrik Nordhaug, Michael Sharpe. Special thanks goes to Michael Sharpe from UCSD who suggested a lot of useful features for ps2eps and who fixed bbox to become more precise and robust.
An earlier version of this manual page was originally written by Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org>
for the Debian system. Thank you Rafael!
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts and no Back-Cover Texts.
If you experience problems, please check carefully all hints in the section TROUBLESHOOTING first. Otherwise, check for an updated version at http://www.tm.uka.de/~bless/ps2eps or send a gzipped file of relevant postscript source code with your error description and ps2eps version number to <roland at bless.de>
(please allow some time to reply).
ps2eps - convert PostScript to EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) files (C)opyright 1998-2010 Roland Bless
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Click here for more information about the Copyleft.
Häufig werden Bilder im Encapsulated Postscript Format (EPS, EPSF) benötigt. Hat man nun beispielsweise ein Programm, welches eine Postscript-Datei für eine Seite erzeugt, so kann man den Inhalt der Seite in andere Programme übernehmen und z.B. skalieren, drehen, usw. Zeichnungen kann man z.B. mit Powerpoint erstellen und eine einzelne Seite in eine Datei drucken, falls man einen Postscript-Druckertreiber verwendet. Leider haben die Windows-Treiber einige unangenehme Eigenschaften, die häufig "schwer verdaulichen" Postscript-Code produzieren, der Schwierigkeiten erzeugt, wenn man ihn als EPS-Datei einbindet. D.h. manche Drucker geben die Zeichnungen aus, andere wiederum nicht und löschen z.B. Teile der gleichen und nachfolgenden Seite. Abhilfe schafft hier das Tool ps2eps, welches eine korrekte Bounding-Box erzeugt und den Postscript-Code bereinigt.
Eine Bounding-Box ist die kleinste rechteckige Box, die ein Objekt vollständig enthält. Bei Powerpoint wird häufig die ganze Seite als Bounding-Box angegeben, auch wenn sämtliche Zeichnungsobjekte nur wenig Platz auf der Seite belegen. Es gibt zwar für das Programm ghostscript ein ps2epsi-Skript, welches eine EPS-Datei erzeugt, allerdings wird die Berechnung im Postscript-Code selbst durchgeführt und kann oft falsch sein, wenn der Code für die Seitenbeschreibung unsauber mit den Dictionaries (Stack) verfährt. Zumal werden häufiger die äußeren Teile der Zeichnung aufgrund von Rundung und der geringen Auflösung von 72dpi (entspricht Standard-Postscript-Auflösung), in der die Bounding-Box-Werte angegeben sind, abgeschnitten.
Funktionsweise von ps2eps
ps2eps ist ein Perl-Skript, das zunächst einmal die angegebene Postscript-Datei analysiert. Anschließend wird ghostscript aufgerufen und erzeugt eine Bitmap mit 144dpi, die von einem C-Programm (bbox) als Eingabe verwendet wird. Dieses C-Programm berechnet die Bounding-Box unter minimalem Speicheraufwand und berücksichtigt etwaige Rundungseffekte. Postscript-Dateien, die Zeichnungen in einem größeren Format als DIN-A4 enthalten, können derzeit noch nicht automatisch behandelt werden, d.h. momentan muß in diesem Fall die Seitengröße über die ps2eps-Option -s explizit eingestellt werden. Anschließend wird der Postscript-Code auf verdächtige Befehle hin analysiert, die Probleme beim Drucken verursachen können. Solche Befehle werden automatisch herausgefiltert, es sei denn man stellt dies mit der Option -n ab. Letzteres kann notwendig sein, falls fälschlicherweise Teile des Postscript-Codes entfernt wurden, die für das korrekte Funktionieren aber unbedingt notwendig sind.
Prinzipiell ist lediglich ein perl-Interpreter und der Postscript-Interpreter ghostscript (gs) notwendig sowie ein C-Compiler, um das Programm bbox.c zu übersetzen. Für Windows und Linux sind bereits Binaries vorhanden.
LaTeX Style/Class für wissenschaftliche Arbeiten (z.B. Master-, Bachelorarbeiten, Dissertationen)
Willkommen LaTeX-Benutzer!
Ich habe mir einmal die Arbeit gemacht, eine Klasse für LaTeX 2e zu schreiben, die für die Erstellung von Abschlussarbeiten als Grundlage dienen kann. Davon könnt Ihr nun profitieren. Einfach auf den folgenden Link klicken und die Datei runterladen (Format: GZip und tar - auspacken unter Unix mit: tar -xzvf wissdoc.tar.gz):
wissdoc.tar.gz (r81) (156KBytes, 08-Dec-2021)
r81: neuer voreingestellter Font Libertine, kleinere Änderungen auch in Kommentaren,
einfachere Unterstützung für Englisch über \selectlanguage{english}
r75: Neues Deckblatt wg. geändertem KIT-Logo. Englische Version des Deckblatts auch enthalten.
r72: Neuer Erklärungstext in erklaerung.tex nach KIT-Vorgabe. itmalpha.bst und itmabbrv.bst auf utf-8 umgestellt.
r67: Entfernung von ngerman, bibgerm und ae, Hauptdatei heißt nun thesis.tex
r60: Neues Titelblatt für KIT, Änderungen im Makefile, Änderung des Default-Bibtex-Styles zurück auf itmalpha
r45: Anpassungen an neueres pdflatex, UTF-8 nun Standard (iso-8859-1 gibt's auch noch).
Dies ist ein kleines Paket, welches ein Layout für Abschlussarbeiten (Master, Bachelor, Dissertation) zur Verfügung stellt. Das Paket ist für LaTeX2e gedacht. Die TeX-Sourcen enthalten derzeit Umlaute in UTF-8-Codierung, der Unterordner iso-8859-15 enthält noch die Version für ISO 8859-15 (Latin1).
Hauptbestandteil ist die Datei "wissdoc.cls", welche die notwendigen Anpassungen vornimmt. "thesis.tex" ist die Hauptdatei, welche die anderen Teile der Arbeit einbindet und durch "pdflatex thesis" bzw. "latex thesis" übersetzt werden muss (siehe Makefile). Die Hauptdatei solltet Ihr Euren Bedürfnissen entsprechend anpassen. Die Titelseite ist nur ein Vorschlag und bindet zwei Logos ein.
Ein kurzer Überblick:
- wissdoc.cls - Klassendefinition für Diplom-/Studienarbeiten
- thesis.tex - Hauptdatei, die weitere Teile einbindet
- macros.tex - einige mehr oder weniger nützliche Macros
- (mit \ignore{...} lässt sich zum Beispiel etwas auskommentieren, mit \anm{...} kann man Anmerkungen einfügen). Nicht unbedingt notwendig.
- titelseite.tex - Beispiel für eine Titelseite
- erklaerung.tex - Notwendige Erklärung für eine Diplomarbeit
- einleitung.tex - (Nahezu) leere Schablone
- analyse.tex - (Nahezu) leere Schablone
- entwurf.tex - (Nahezu) leere Schablone
- implemen.tex - (Nahezu) leere Schablone
- eval.tex - (Nahezu) leere Schablone
- zusammenf.tex - (Nahezu) leere Schablone
- thesis.bib - Beispiel für eine BiBTeX-Datei (Literaturdatenbank)
- thesis.ist - Für Makeindex notwendig, siehe Makefile
- Makefile - Beispiel-Makefile, welches Aufrufe zeigt, funktioniert aber nur eingeschränkt korrekt...
- itmalpha.bst - BibTeX Style File für Literaturangaben mit 4 Buchstaben
- itmabbrv.bst - BibTeX Style File für Literaturangaben mit 4 Buchstaben (gekürzte Vornamen im Literaturverzeichnis)
- logos/ - Verzeichnis, das Logos enthält
- images/ - leeres Verzeichnis, in das die Bilder kommen
- scripts/ - Mehr oder weniger nützliche Skripte
Um Abbildungen zu erzeugen, sollte euer Programm sauberes Encapsulated Postscript (EPS, EPSF) bzw. PDF produzieren können. Für Windows, Mac und Linux gibt es z.B. das frei verfügbare Zeichenprogramm inkscape. Andere Programme erzeugen zwar PDF-Ausgaben, allerdings meistens mit viel "weißem" Rand um die eigentliche Zeichnung. Im scripts/-Verzeichnis gibt es ein Shell-Skript crop-pdfs.sh, das solche Ränder automatisch entfernen kann.
Weitere Links zu LaTeX:
- Dante e.V.
- TeX-Faq (Häufig gestellte Fragen zu TeX)